Created by Susanne Broughton and her team of lead Instructors, this dog sport is unlike anything you've ever experienced.
Instructors will guide you and your dog through the training process, ensuring you have the necessary skills and knowledge to participate in assessments and competitions.
Our comprehensive 3-day course combines theory and practical training, covering understanding scent movement, the anatomy and physiology of dogs working with scent.
You will gain hands-on experience in setting up trails, understanding the intricacies of running a successful trial, and effectively logging and advertising the event.
Susanne, the founder, and head of UK Scent Sport has dedicated years to the study of behaviour and dog training. Her passion for scent sports shines through in every aspect of this sport.
Together with her team, Susanne has built a reputation for excellence in behaviour and dog training. Their expertise and love for dogs laid the foundation for the creation of UK Scent Sport.
But it doesn't stop there. The lead instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. They are passionate about helping dogs and their owners succeed in UK Scent Sport, and they are committed to providing top-notch instruction and guidance.
UK Scent Sport incorporates various components, including Scent Detection, Scent Match, Retrieve on Catnip, and Trailing. It's a one-of-a-kind experience that will challenge and thrill both dogs and their handlers.
Whether you're a dog owner looking to participate in UK Scent Sport or an aspiring instructor seeking to join our team, rest assured that you'll be in capable hands. Our lead instructors are committed to helping you and your dog reach your full potential and have an incredible experience in the world of scent sports.
Susanne Broughton
5 Lancers Way